The new Steno Pro-2S – the only Stenomask with a modern design that’s engineered for use with today’s technology.
Ultra quiet dual microphone model – Steno Pro-2S is the industry’s best voice isolation, noise cancelling, speech recognition microphone. This model is for professionals such as court reporters and sound studio engineers that require an additional backup microphone (in case of malfunction or to produce two recordings or transcripts at the same time). Pro-2S has two stereo plugs which can be used in conjunction with two separate devices simultaneously i.e; a digital recorder and laptop. Engineered with proprietary micro sound-booth technology that ensures uncompromising sound quality and noise cancellation.
Major upgrades using premium materials make the new pro substantially more durable, comfortable, moisture resistant, soundproof and accurate. Including added added features that allow you more room to speak freely, intake fresh air and expel moisture.
- Quiet Cushion Max facepiece – unobstructed breathing, exceptional cooling comfort, soundproofing and moisture control. Form-fits to your unique face type!
- Expanded 2x distance between your mouth and microphone redirecting heat and moisture away from the microphone resulting in better recognition
- Premium heavy gauge stereo cables and plugs for uncompromising sound and durability
- Extra soundproofing. Just like a real sound booth Pro has an inner and outer wall. Between these walls we’ve doubled the sound deadening material.
- Foam insert with moisture wicking fresh air channel allows you to breath fresh air directly while simultaneously keeping your mask cool and moisture out
- Auto tuning – Pro now comes factory set with digitally calibrated microphone settings
- Add a Talk Sock – a soft to the touch soundproofing sleeve that form-fits over your mask
- Add a Mask Blaster – Completely dry out your mask and microphone elements in under 5 minutes!
The Pro S series has the highest Dragon recognition accuracy rate of any microphone on the market. What’s the secret? Our stenomasks are backed by over 80 years of innovation, in fact we invented the Stenomask. The new Pro S series is our 7th generation version and is designed to work seamlessly with the latest digital technology, harnessing the knowledge and experience that has been accumulated and refined over a lifetime.
- Dual shell mask with patented noise cancellation properties – 100% noise cancellation = zero background noise interference
- Streamlined, lightweight and ergonomic design to relieve head, neck and hand stress
- Multiple hands-free options
- Best warranty and 30 day money back guarantee
- Smartphone adapter is required for use with tablets and smartphones
- Andrea USB adapter is highly recommended for use with computers and speech recognition software such as Dragon Naturally Speaking. Something you should consider, we pair our masks with a sound card that’s specifically designed to be used in conjunction with speech recognition software. Why do you want an external USB sound card instead of one built directly into your mask? For good reason! Built in sound cards notoriously fail and when they do you have to replace your entire mask, costing you upwards of $300.00 or more. Unlike other masks ours won’t fail when you need them most.
“Dear Talk Tech Thank you for the Steno Pro. I spent quite a bit of time testing the mask and I’m thrilled to report it is even better than the previous SmartMic design. Your claims are correct on all fronts. It’s considerably lighter and quieter. The speech recognition accuracy is amazing and I love the new sleeker, streamlined design. Court reporters will be very pleased! In my opinion there was no need to come up with a new mask design, yet you guys did and made it remarkably better. Congratulations, very high tech! Bettye A. Keyes, author of “Voice Writing Method” CCR, CSR, CVR-M, RVR
Some of our valued customers that exclusively use Steno Pro include, U.S. Army Inspector General- Pentagon, U.S. Naval Justice Institute, U.S. Coast Guard, National Guard Counter-drug Task Force, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, British Columbia Legislative Assembly, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and the NYC Department of Education.
All microphones come standard with a limited 1 year warranty and a 30 day return policy from date of purchase. We pride ourselves on having the best products, warranty and customer service in the industry. Please contact us with any questions or suggestions you have.
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