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Sylencer for Outbursts

$85.00 USD

Model Number: SY-GDLTS

SKU: 825-11 Category:


The Sylencer for Outbursts was created through requests to help users with Gilles de La Tourette Syndrome.

This is a specialized unit which can help users suffering from vocal tics.

Ideally, if you have the ability to anticipate your tic, this unit can be extremely effective. However, even if you can not, there are large benefits for both you and others around you!

All masks come standard with a limited 1 year warranty and a 30 day return policy from date of purchase.

An exerpt from a testimonial:
“And immediately, my son did not have the sound of his own voice rattling in his
head, giving him grueling headaches.”

Additional information


Comes with two facepieces: Mouth-only, Over-the-nose
Comes with one set of foam

Weight: 5.64oz [160g]
Height: 2-1/2″ [6.4cm]
Length: 4-1/2″ [11.4cm]
Width: 3-1/16″ [7.8cm]

Can be used in either hand.

