Checkout v2

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LED Light: Red Slow Flashing – Charging Red Solid – Fully Charged Green Solid – Discharging Power Button: Long Press – On/Off – 3-5 seconds Quick Press – [...]

Essential Audio Shortcuts

Microsoft goes back and forth on how their interface shows and what options are displayed and offered. This may work well for for new users, or users that do not need access to certain [...]

Recording Devices Disabled After Update

Last month Microsoft started rolling out its new device security permissions system, while it is a good idea and follows Android’s method of granting and expiring app access to input [...]

No Audio

Windows has Inputs and Outputs. Inputs are your recording devices. Outputs are your playback devices like speakers, headphones, earphones, etc. Common Recording issues that prevent audio: Many [...]

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Talk Technologies Product Catalog

[product-catalogue id=’1′]

Preparing Today’s LEP Students for the Challenges of Their New World

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TalkSystem for Simultaneous Interpretation

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Talk Technologies Inc.

What happens if I turn my microphone all the way to the end?

If your microphone is turned all the way up, or down, it will be disabled and no longer function properly. If you find yourself having difficulty with your recognition and you have made an [...]

Troubleshooting Microphone Problems

Marketing Images and Materials

Apptivo Test

Do I need a new USB audio adapter for the Steno SR Pro?

You can use your existing USB adapter if it of the new (USB101 pictured at the right) type we provide. Or if your USB adapter supports stereo plugs. The old Mono Andrea USB (USB100) may not work [...]

Can I use my existing SmartMic voice profile with the Steno SR Pro?

Try using your normal profile, run your mic check and then do some dictation. If you are not happy with the results you will need to create and train a new voice profile.

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